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Put Your Whole Soul Into It

Updated: Oct 21, 2021

So you want your life to get better? It starts with how you are waking up and approaching every day. If you want a better job, more money, a better relationship, and a better family, take President Joe Biden's approach to his Presidency.

That's what Abraham Lincoln did! He knew in his heart what was right and abolished slavery. It was extremely unpopular, but he did it anyway. His whole SOUL was in it.

I'm betting there are some things in your life that you need to kick out. Maybe it's a relationship you know is leading you away from your goals and your God. Maybe it's a lifestyle that you know is unhealthy that will eventually catch up to you and harm you for the rest of your life.

I had to put a giant PAUSE on my dating life at one time. I found myself with the wrong kind of man. I naturally gravitated towards the over the top guy that spent lots of money, spoiled me, promised big things, and gave me a fun lifestyle. But, it was empty. There was no soul. In fact, it damaged my confidence. I couldn't figure out why he wouldn't give me his all, totally commit, and spend every free moment he had with me to build a life. I would have given him my whole soul, but he wasn't willing to give me his. I had to STOP.

If there are things in your life that are hurting you, harming you, something that is damaging your confidence RUN.

Today my friend attack your life like Joe Biden is attacking his Presidency. Put your WHOLE SOUL into it. Do what YOU KNOW is right like Abraham Lincoln. Go after the life YOU'VE always dreamed of, and stop waiting for someone else to provide it for you. Jesus said,

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]. (John 10:10 AMP)

. If there is something or someone in your life that is destroying your confidence LET IT GO. BRAVE women don't settle for what's good enough.

Don't allow fear to be bigger than your faith. Abolish the junk in your life, and put your whole soul into creating the life of your dreams. Brave women know anything worth doing is worth doing WELL. Stop half-you-know-what-ing your life. Make your future self proud by making the correct decisions TODAY. #GetYourBraveOn

Love, ac

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