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BRAVE Prayer | Prayer for Hope to Make a Comeback & What Hope Means in the Bible

Updated: Dec 6, 2022

Giving you a confident expectation of good things from God.

Do you feel trapped? Are you consumed with worry about your future? It's okay. I've been there. This prayer can help!

"What if this is the holiday season for God to impart NEW dreams?"

This prayer is designed to help you be held captive with a confident expectation of good things from God and help you understand the power of feeling that confidence that God is answering your prayers.

Have you received my free gift yet? This will help you expect good things instead of being consumed with worry!

Highlights in This Episode

[3:07] What if Hope made a comeback? Brave Babe, Mary, shares her inspiration for YOU to allow God to make room to do something special in your life this Christmas. Based on the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth in the Christmas story.

"Do you believe that God could change the narrative about you? It's time for hope to make a comeback. What if this is the holiday season God wants to impart new dreams into your heart?"

[5:08] We use the word Hope wrong. It's not wishy washy. It's a confident expectation of good things from God.

"Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles." - Zechariah 9:12

[6:20] The Prayer For Hope to Make a Comeback

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“Phenomenal!! Thank you for your authentic and thoughtful episode with Blessing Offor. I truly enjoyed listening to such a genuine conversation of insightful and inspiring words of wisdom. May we always navigate through the plot twists in life with belief and trust that there will be brighter days ahead." Click here for that episode

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