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#53 Buy Yourself Flowers | When Trust is Broken: 4 Ways to Learn to Trust Again: Start with YOU!

“I can buy myself flowers! Write my name in the sand. Talk to myself for hours. Say things you don’t understand.

I can take myself dancing.

I can hold my own hand!

I can love me better than you can.

-Miley Cyrus “Flowers”

It can be really tough to trust again when you've been hurt before. We all want to protect ourselves and our hearts, but the fear of trusting others can hold us back from achieving true happiness in our lives. For single moms, single women and anyone who's experienced a painful betrayal of trust; it is much easier said than done to open up and let someone into your life after being burned once already.

Instead of simply giving up on love or relationships altogether, we should look at this as an opportunity for growth and healing that will lead us closer to the happiness we crave—even if we are afraid to take that leap of faith.

When trust is broken in a relationship, let’s admit it the person you blame the most is YOU. How do you look in the mirror again and get over it?

The real flex is learning to trust yourself! Learn from Queen Miley!

Knowing how to trust yourself can be the key to unlocking your potential and moving forward in life. In this podcast you will learn 3 ways to teach yourself how to trust YOU again, and help you become more self-reliant and open up opportunities for success.

Learn to trust yourself first so that you're better able to start trusting another person—and ultimately experience the love you are always looking for!

Here’s your new strategy to silence fear: Learn to Trust Yourself

4 Lessons on How to Trust YOU Again.

  1. List your Strengths & Weaknesses: Before you can learn to trust yourself, it's important to identify your strengths and weaknesses. By recognizing what you're good at and what needs improvement, you'll be better able to develop strategies that will help you succeed. For example, if you recognize that you have difficulty with time management, then create an action plan for improving this area such as setting daily reminders or creating a schedule of tasks that need completion each day.

“Would you cheat on yourself? Would you cheat yourself out of reaching your full potential?”
  1. Believe in Yourself: If we don't believe in ourselves, then it will be difficult—if not impossible—to trust ourselves or make decisions without hesitation or doubt. A great way to start believing in yourself is by creating positive affirmations about who you are as a person and writing them down every day. This will help remind you of your worth when negative thoughts arise and give you the confidence needed to move forward even when things seem uncertain or scary.

“ I love the woman I am becoming. It gives me chills. She knows her worth, she’s got great boundaries, She is motivated and ready to make it all happen.”

  1. Act on Your Instincts & Intuition: Our intuition often knows best, yet so many of us ignore it because we're scared of making mistakes or getting hurt again. However, trusting your gut is essential if we want to live our best lives and reach our full potential! Whenever possible, take note of any gut feelings or intuitive hunches that come up throughout the day and act on them if they feel right—you never know where they could lead!

“When you are born into a world where you don’t fit in it’s because you were born to help create a new one”.

  1. Rely on the ONE person you will always be able to trust: I’m a Jesus follower. Before you get nervous, don’t worry. I’m not trying to judge you or change your behavior, or get you to vote a certain way, that’s not what a Jesus-follow truly is. I love you. No matter what. I’m convinced following his teachings is the most loving and peaceful way to experience life.

Trying to navigate life can feel like an uphill battle at times, especially if you’re a woman or single mom trying to take care of the many needs in your life. It can be easy to think that everything is falling apart and no one out there understands what you are going through. But there is someone who promises never to leave us nor forsake us - Jesus! He is here for us no matter our current struggles and he loves each and every one of his children deeply with perfect tenderness. No matter what trials come your way, knowing Jesus will give you the strength to carry on through every situation.

Jesus is the first love of my life. The one has stayed with me through some really chaotic and messed up situations. I have build up evidence of relying on Him. Every morning after my alarm goes off at 5am so I can get to the gym I have my Alexa set to this song… It’s “Glorious by Macklamore”. Then before my feet hit the floor, I say this prayer:

“Jesus, I know there’s nothing going to go down today that you and I can’t handle together. Let’s go,”

Lace up my shoes and GO!!!

Here’s what happens when you make Jesus the love of your life…

“The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” Psalm 28:7

Jesus Is Unfailing

The Bible says that God is faithful. He never changes or fails us, unlike people who come and go in our lives. Hebrews 13:8 says “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” In other words, He never changes! No matter what happens in our relationships with others, we can rely on the fact that Jesus will remain faithful to us. His love for us is unconditional and unchanging; He will never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). When it feels like everyone else has let you down, turn to God—He won't let you down!

Man… may let you down yes, but the one person that will never violate your trust… Jesus. He died for you to live free from judgement, free from eternal consequences of sin;. He died so you can LIVE.

Bring Him with you today. Talk to Him. Ask Him to allow you to feel his loving presence in your life. Let trust grow with Him, and then with yourself.

Developing self-trust is possible with patience and dedication! Start by recognizing your strengths and weaknesses so that you can build upon what works for you while improving upon areas needing work. Also remember that believing in yourself is key—write out positive affirmations about who you are whenever needed! Finally, don't forget the power of your instinct; pay attention to any intuitive hunches that come up throughout the day as these could lead somewhere amazing! Those are the whispers of Jesus in your life. With these tips in mind, learning how to trust yourself has never been easier!

Once you get to that point, the-feeding-your-soul kind of loving relationship that makes you feel safe and secure is right around the corner. Why? Because you love yourself so much you won’t accept anything less.

And like Miley Cyrus says… You can buy yourself flowers! Go do that today!

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