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#29 Autopilot? 3 Ways to Stop Quiet Quitting at Life

What if you were known as the woman that went for it? For too long I was quiet quitting at life. THIS is how I broke free. THIS is the podcast to help you put your life in DRIVE!

The average American spends 10 years of their life on auto-pilot. I don't know about you, but that freaks me out. I've been there when I first became a single mom. This podcast is encouragement you need to keep going and resist the urge to quiet quit when life gets hard!

3 Ways to Stop Quiet Quitting

1. [5:12] Have the Audacity to Say the Big Prayer. Small prayers get small answers, but what do you think a Big Prayer would do?

2. [7:49] BELIEVE! with Your Whole Heart. Ode to Ted Lasso! instead of worrying your prayers, believe that God has already answered your Big Prayer.

3. [13:02] Meditate As If Your Big Prayer Have Already Been Answered.

3 Questions!

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"I am so grateful for your podcast. My life has had so many plot twists. The ending of a 33 year marriage, empty nesting, having to support myself after being a business partner and homeschool mom. That’s just a glimpse of my last few years. Your podcast gives me hope and encouragement to keep going, to move forward and to get my brave on. I know God isn’t finished with my story yet. I am believing for a better tomorrow!❤️ Lauri

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